Pictures of an original 1947 Rife device!
This unit was manufactured in San Diego California for a Dr. in 1947.The large phanotron tube for it was made in Los Angeles. It was
in constant use until the Dr.s death a few years ago. This device
is very similar to a recently discovered 1939 unit. The 1939 unit
has a fixed carrier frequency of about 4.6 Mhz. There are two other
primary harmonics within the carrier of 2.15 and 9.09 Mhz. The
carrier is Amplitude Modulated using a Hewlett-Wein Bridge Oscillator.
Controls for the Hewlett oscillator can be seen on the front of the
device. The knob on the Left changes the frequency band, while the
knob in the center adjusts the audio frequency. Frequency range is
from 16Hz to 200 KHz. The knob on the Right changes the amplitude,
or audio power level. Optimum effects are found using 100 % modulation, and not overmodulation. Sine wave modulation, and
not square wave modulation is used.
The output wave of the device is gated at the AC line voltage
frequency. For the USA, this would be 60 Hz. Each series of pulses
within the gated envelope, is composed of a damped wave train. The
three harmonics of 2.15, 4.6 ,and 9.09 are all modulated. Damped wave transmitters are now outlawed by all countries via international treaties.
The plasma tube behaves as an active part of the circuit, and
when placed close to the patient, couples the field to the patient.
A curiosity is that frequencies utilized by this device are
TEN TIMES the frequency that is presently used. For example,
this device uses 21275 Hz instead of 2128 Hz. Please visit this
web site for a more in depth description of the device.
1939 Rife Device

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