World-Wide Web Access Statistics

Last updated: Wed, 01 Mar 2006 02:35:23 (GMT -0700)

Totals for Summary Period: Feb 1 2006 to Feb 28 2006

Files Transmitted During Summary Period           22460
KBytes Transmitted During Summary Period       834609.6
Average Files Transmitted Daily                     802
Average KBytes Transmitted Daily                29807.5

Daily Transmission Statistics

%Reqs %KB     KB Sent    Requests   Date
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------
 3.88  4.41      36772.7      872 | Feb  1 2006
 3.20  2.78      23213.2      718 | Feb  2 2006
 3.39  3.93      32810.0      762 | Feb  3 2006
 3.09  4.56      38075.3      695 | Feb  4 2006
 3.15  2.57      21412.5      708 | Feb  5 2006
 2.93  2.86      23831.3      659 | Feb  6 2006
 4.06  2.61      21746.8      912 | Feb  7 2006
 3.64  3.85      32123.8      818 | Feb  8 2006
 3.16  2.53      21132.5      709 | Feb  9 2006
 2.88  2.97      24816.5      647 | Feb 10 2006
 2.65  3.08      25686.0      596 | Feb 11 2006
 3.39  2.49      20751.1      761 | Feb 12 2006
 2.56  2.66      22238.0      574 | Feb 13 2006
 3.58  4.38      36573.8      805 | Feb 14 2006
 2.83  2.96      24699.7      635 | Feb 15 2006
 3.55  2.88      24008.1      797 | Feb 16 2006
 3.56  3.08      25737.9      800 | Feb 17 2006
 3.31  3.38      28174.7      743 | Feb 18 2006
 4.64  5.13      42848.3     1043 | Feb 19 2006
 4.06  3.92      32713.8      912 | Feb 20 2006
 3.82  4.66      38897.4      858 | Feb 21 2006
 3.13  3.61      30155.9      703 | Feb 22 2006
 3.83  4.37      36501.2      860 | Feb 23 2006
 4.02  3.60      30087.4      904 | Feb 24 2006
 4.49  4.15      34619.5     1009 | Feb 25 2006
 5.43  5.62      46931.7     1220 | Feb 26 2006
 4.32  3.39      28261.3      970 | Feb 27 2006
 3.43  3.57      29789.1      770 | Feb 28 2006

Hourly Transmission Statistics

%Reqs %KB     KB Sent    Requests   Time
----- ----- ------------ -------- |-----
 3.17  3.24      27053.9      711 |  00
 2.08  2.47      20609.1      468 |  01
 2.75  2.15      17963.2      618 |  02
 2.21  3.11      25958.5      496 |  03
 2.00  2.45      20463.2      450 |  04
 2.75  2.92      24392.8      617 |  05
 3.41  3.91      32633.4      767 |  06
 3.52  2.59      21601.6      791 |  07
 3.63  4.48      37415.0      815 |  08
 5.04  4.78      39872.9     1132 |  09
 4.74  5.46      45545.6     1065 |  10
 5.31  4.86      40530.1     1193 |  11
 6.31  4.77      39833.1     1418 |  12
 5.32  5.58      46565.5     1194 |  13
 5.29  6.02      50263.6     1188 |  14
 5.15  5.14      42871.3     1157 |  15
 6.06  5.17      43189.8     1362 |  16
 4.51  5.47      45632.9     1013 |  17
 5.05  5.34      44549.9     1135 |  18
 4.52  4.20      35056.6     1015 |  19
 4.71  5.66      47271.7     1058 |  20
 4.68  3.75      31297.5     1051 |  21
 4.11  3.43      28605.3      922 |  22
 3.67  3.05      25433.5      824 |  23

Total Transfers by Client Domain

%Reqs %KB     KB Sent    Requests   Domain
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
 0.71  0.40       3296.8      159 | ar    Argentina
 0.15  0.27       2227.6       33 | at    Austria
 1.63  2.08      17388.0      367 | au    Australia
 0.08  0.04        346.7       18 | aw    Aruba
 0.22  0.10        825.2       50 | be    Belgium
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | bg    Bulgaria
 0.29  0.34       2850.3       65 | br    Brazil
 2.66  3.84      32047.9      597 | ca    Canada
 0.24  0.12        981.9       54 | ch    Switzerland
 0.02  0.02        143.5        4 | cl    Chile
 0.04  0.03        234.1       10 | co    Colombia
 0.29  0.81       6721.1       66 | cz    Czech Republic
 0.44  1.32      11037.2       99 | de    Germany
 0.15  0.31       2579.6       33 | dk    Denmark
 0.18  0.06        489.2       40 | es    Spain
 0.21  0.34       2802.5       47 | fi    Finland
 0.07  0.27       2222.6       16 | fr    France
 0.26  0.19       1596.1       59 | gr    Greece
 0.39  0.39       3240.5       87 | hr    Croatia (Hrvatska)
 1.00  0.57       4725.6      225 | hu    Hungary
 0.05  0.25       2081.9       12 | il    Israel
 0.02  0.01         73.0        5 | in    India
 0.85  0.61       5097.7      192 | it    Italy
 0.21  0.12       1022.4       47 | jp    Japan
 0.09  0.05        433.8       20 | kr    Korea (South)
 0.01  0.00         23.5        2 | lt    Lithuania
 0.04  0.03        291.3        9 | ma    Morocco
 0.37  0.61       5113.4       82 | mx    Mexico
 0.12  0.29       2410.6       26 | my    Malaysia
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | ni    Nicaragua
 1.35  1.57      13100.3      303 | nl    Netherlands
 0.53  0.64       5351.9      119 | no    Norway
 1.25  0.89       7414.1      281 | nz    New Zealand (Aotearoa)
 0.06  0.03        237.6       14 | ph    Philippines
 0.19  0.31       2622.8       43 | pl    Poland
 0.10  0.04        368.3       23 | pt    Portugal
 0.08  0.26       2170.5       18 | ro    Romania
 0.20  0.19       1587.0       46 | ru    Russian Federation
 0.04  0.01         75.4        8 | sa    Saudi Arabia
 0.08  0.04        346.7       18 | sb    Solomon Islands
 0.01  0.00          1.0        2 | sc    Seychelles
 0.16  0.34       2819.1       37 | se    Sweden
 0.19  0.54       4506.1       42 | sg    Singapore
 0.09  0.04        346.7       20 | si    Slovenia
 0.32  0.35       2928.2       72 | sk    Slovak Republic
 0.01  0.01         81.5        2 | th    Thailand
 0.39  0.17       1423.0       87 | tr    Turkey
 0.11  0.06        470.7       25 | tt    Trinidad and Tobago
 0.08  0.09        788.2       18 | tw    Taiwan
 0.73  0.81       6756.1      165 | uk    United Kingdom
 0.04  0.02        200.4       10 | us    United States
 0.10  0.05        402.9       22 | uy    Uruguay
 0.03  0.00         16.5        7 | yu    Yugoslavia
 0.17  0.32       2670.3       38 | za    South Africa
 0.01  0.00         31.5        2 | zw    Zimbabwe
27.74 26.03     217255.7     6230 | com   US Commercial
 1.22  1.34      11185.0      274 | edu   US Educational
 0.01  0.01         76.0        2 | gbl   
 0.45  0.46       3825.1      100 | gov   US Government
 0.73  1.10       9218.9      163 | mil   US Military
40.04 38.38     320313.4     8993 | net   Network
 0.62  0.76       6346.5      139 | org   Non-Profit Organization
 0.07  0.04        368.0       16 | 
11.96 11.59      96764.4     2687 | unresolved 

Total Transfers by Reversed Subdomain

%Reqs %KB     KB Sent    Requests   Reversed Subdomain
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
11.96 11.59      96764.4     2687 | Unresolved
 0.03  0.01        101.7        6 |
 0.00  0.00          7.8        1 |
 0.11  0.03        288.1       25 |
 0.03  0.00         14.2        6 |
 0.27  0.05        402.5       61 |
 0.16  0.03        265.3       37 |
 0.10  0.27       2217.3       23 |
 0.05  0.24       1991.0       11 | at.liwest
 0.01  0.00          6.4        2 | at.surfer.vie.14.13
 0.09  0.03        230.2       20 | at.tele2.cust
 0.04  0.01        107.3        8 |
 0.02  0.01         83.2        5 |
 0.04  0.02        200.4       10 |
 0.03  0.01         83.0        7 |
 0.02  0.01        100.6        4 |
 0.00  0.00          7.8        1 |
 0.03  0.25       2051.9        7 |
 0.03  0.01        117.8        6 |
 0.06  0.03        259.0       13 |
 0.09  0.05        384.1       20 |
 0.03  0.02        140.9        6 |
 0.07  0.03        249.0       16 |
 0.01  0.01         43.7        3 |
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 |
 0.05  0.03        219.7       12 |
 0.04  0.01        117.7       10 |
 0.04  0.02        169.7        8 |
 0.00  0.00          0.5        1 |
 0.03  0.01        125.0        6 |
 0.30  0.53       4383.6       67 |
 0.07  0.03        282.8       15 |
 0.02  0.02        143.5        4 |
 0.11  0.05        380.1       24 |
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 |
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 |
 0.31  0.59       4929.5       69 |
 0.03  0.01        117.8        6 |
 0.03  0.24       1988.2        6 |
 0.03  0.01        125.0        6 |
 0.05  0.02        201.0       11 |
 0.00  0.00         23.7        1 |
 0.08  0.04        346.7       18 | aw.setardsl
 0.00  0.00          7.8        1 | be.skynet.adsl-fix.246-200-80
 0.00  0.00          6.7        1 | be.skynet.adsl.31-200-80
 0.03  0.01         89.1        6 | be.skynet.adsl.81.243
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | be.skynet.adsl.81.245
 0.13  0.05        407.8       30 | be.telenet.access
 0.03  0.02        196.6        7 | be.versadsl.dsl
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | bg.btc-net
 0.05  0.02        173.1       11 |
 0.03  0.02        140.7        7 |
 0.01  0.01         90.0        3 |
 0.09  0.02        134.0       20 |
 0.01  0.01        100.0        3 |
 0.01  0.00         40.2        2 |
 0.08  0.26       2172.2       19 |
 0.16  0.08        647.9       37 | ca.295.dyn
 0.03  0.01        117.8        6 | ca.accesscomm.estevan
 0.03  0.01         83.0        7 | ca.alcatel.ottawa
 0.01  0.00         24.2        2 |
 0.09  0.04        308.7       21 | ca.eastlink
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 |
 0.03  0.24       1988.2        6 | ca.gvpl
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | ca.mb.hydro
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | ca.mun.library
 0.01  0.00         23.5        2 | ca.on.library.stcatharines
 0.08  0.03        283.4       17 |
 0.04  0.02        200.4       10 | ca.porchlight.136.46.29
 0.08  0.04        343.2       19 | ca.primus.tor
 0.07  0.02        200.9       15 |
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 |
 0.01  0.00         23.5        2 |
 0.09  0.04        342.0       20 |
 0.06  0.02        202.1       13 |
 0.85  1.17       9783.0      191 | ca.sympatico
 0.16  0.06        520.4       36 | ca.sympatico.ns
 0.15  0.08        638.9       34 | ca.sympatico.qc
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | ca.tdbank
 0.14  0.32       2661.8       31 | ca.terago.ptr
 0.06  0.03        259.0       13 | ca.uniserve.tor
 0.04  0.02        200.4       10 | ca.uottawa.dial
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | ca.utoronto.erin
 0.00  0.01         62.1        1 | ca.utoronto.ic
 0.07  0.03        274.6       15 |
 0.08  0.05        395.2       17 |
 0.00  0.00          7.8        1 |
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 |
 0.03  0.02        140.9        6 |
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 |
 0.11  1.36      11377.1       25 | ca.wavefire.internal
 0.03  0.01        118.3        7 | ch.bluewin.cust.83.77.26
 0.06  0.03        259.5       14 | ch.dlge
 0.04  0.02        169.2        8 | ch.epfl
 0.07  0.04        315.5       16 | ch.freesurf
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | ch.hispeed.dclient
 0.02  0.00          2.2        4 | ch.unige
 0.02  0.02        143.5        4 | cl.ctrmax
 0.03  0.02        174.0        6 |
 0.02  0.01         60.1        4 |
 0.21  0.09        721.7       48 | com.1dial
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | com.1dial.node184-225-150-67.phnx
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | com.adamswells
 0.07  0.04        317.6       15 | com.agfa.test.0
 0.01  0.00         24.8        3 | com.algonquincollege
 0.01  0.00         24.2        2 | com.allaire
 0.00  0.00          7.8        1 | com.altrionet
 0.00  0.00          5.9        1 | com.amaonline.69618477
 0.05  0.02        201.0       11 | com.amat
 0.00  0.00          0.5        1 |
 0.27  0.07        563.3       60 | com.anet.stateplace
 0.60  1.76      14722.1      134 |
 2.88  1.81      15118.3      647 |
 0.30  0.14       1191.2       67 | com.as9105.dsl.dynamic
 0.24  0.09        790.4       54 | com.ask
 0.03  0.02        125.6        7 | com.atk
 0.03  0.05        403.2        7 | com.aztec-net
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | com.bacavalley
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | com.barrlabs
 0.02  0.01         83.2        5 | com.bdcast
 0.12  0.04        310.3       27 | com.become.78.85.124
 0.08  0.05        438.4       17 | com.bendcable
 0.00  0.01         75.5        1 | com.bigpipeinc
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | com.bigpond.satellite.203.29.165
 0.04  0.02        141.8        8 |
 0.11  0.28       2346.8       24 | com.boeing
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | com.bose
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | com.btcentralplus.range217-42
 0.01  0.00         24.2        2 | com.btcentralplus.range81-132
 0.00  0.01         70.9        1 | com.btcentralplus.range81-151
 0.00  0.00          7.8        1 | com.btcentralplus.range81-156
 0.05  0.01        118.2       11 | com.btcentralplus.range81-157
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | com.btcentralplus.range81-158
 0.05  0.02        201.5       12 | com.btcentralplus.range86-129
 0.05  0.03        235.0       11 | com.btcentralplus.range86-135
 0.02  0.02        143.5        4 | com.btcentralplus.range86-137
 0.03  0.01        117.8        6 | com.btcentralplus.range86-141
 1.18  0.27       2276.2      265 | com.bulldogdsl
 0.02  0.00         31.5        5 | com.cableaz
 0.06  0.01         84.0       13 | com.cablelynx.htsp.cable.206.255.87
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | com.cablelynx.lngv.cable.206.255.31
 0.01  0.00          8.4        2 | com.cablespeed.chrlmi
 0.03  0.01        118.3        7 | com.cablespeed.mivlmd
 0.02  0.01         83.2        5 | com.cbpu
 0.03  0.02        141.4        7 | com.ccrtc
 0.04  0.02        130.1       10 | com.ceco
 0.08  0.04        324.0       18 |
 0.02  0.23       1896.3        5 |
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 |
 0.13  0.51       4222.2       30 |
 0.01  0.27       2268.4        2 |
 0.05  0.02        204.9       11 |
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 |
 0.02  0.01         83.2        5 |
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 |
 0.09  0.05        399.7       20 |
 0.03  0.02        141.4        7 | com.charter.ct.nwtn.dhcp
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 |
 0.05  0.03        228.6       12 |
 0.05  0.03        223.9       12 | com.charter.mi.aldl.dhcp
 0.02  0.01         83.2        5 | com.charter.mi.bycy.dhcp
 0.03  0.01        117.8        6 | com.charter.mi.klmz.dhcp
 0.04  0.01         83.7       10 |
 0.06  0.25       2106.5       13 |
 0.01  0.00          8.4        2 | com.charter.nv.crcy.dhcp
 0.15  0.28       2364.3       33 | com.charter.nv.reno.dhcp
 0.02  0.01         83.2        5 | com.charter.or.mdfd.dhcp
 0.03  0.01        125.0        6 | com.charter.or.mdfd.static
 0.12  0.06        470.4       27 |
 0.05  0.03        240.3       11 |
 0.11  0.05        452.7       25 | com.charter.tx.dntn.dhcp
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | com.charter.tx.sprn.dhcp
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | com.charter.vt.davl.dhcp
 0.11  0.27       2224.3       24 | com.charter.wa.knwk.dhcp
 0.64  0.44       3688.1      144 | com.charter.wi.mdsn.dhcp
 0.03  0.01         83.8        6 | com.charter.wv.chtn.dhcp
 0.00  0.00          0.5        1 | com.cinergy
 0.06  0.04        343.9       14 | com.cisp
 0.02  0.01         83.2        5 | com.clearwire
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | com.cmsstl
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 |
 0.07  0.03        220.1       15 | com.cogentco.demarc
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | com.cogentco.dial.atl01.ras02
 0.08  0.04        346.7       19 | com.coiinc
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | com.communicomm
 0.02  0.01         76.6        5 | com.cosmixcorp
 0.00  0.00          0.2        1 | com.crawler09
 0.03  0.24       1988.8        7 | com.ctcco
 0.12  0.05        436.0       26 | com.cwjamaica
 0.02  0.01         83.2        5 | com.cyberlink.mish-pm3-1
 0.04  0.24       2012.3        9 | com.cybersurf
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | com.dalsemi
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | com.dejazzd.dynamic.34.105.178
 0.03  0.01        123.1        6 |
 0.02  0.00         41.7        4 | com.dinslaw
 1.01  1.09       9107.4      227 | com.direcpc
 0.00  0.00         17.3        1 | com.dotcorporate
 0.12  0.27       2275.1       27 | com.dslextreme
 0.16  0.05        412.6       36 | com.dsli.34.42.209
 0.04  0.02        200.4       10 | com.duo-county.dsl
 0.04  0.02        200.4       10 |
 0.05  0.25       2072.0       12 | com.ea
 0.14  0.27       2216.4       31 | com.easytel
 0.02  0.01        102.7        5 | com.eclipsereg
 0.01  0.00          0.4        2 | com.euripbot
 0.06  0.04        349.3       13 | com.exabot
 0.08  0.26       2193.1       17 | com.execulink.pppoe.tor
 0.00  0.01         70.9        1 | com.eyespot
 0.02  0.01         83.2        5 | com.farmerstel
 0.09  0.02        170.4       21 |
 0.01  0.00         23.5        2 | com.fsark
 0.00  0.01         75.5        1 | com.gdoltd
 0.04  0.00         31.5        8 | com.gigablast
 0.75  0.09        780.6      168 | com.googlebot
 0.12  0.07        563.2       27 | com.guidant
 0.09  0.03        253.0       21 | com.healthline
 0.11  0.06        518.0       25 | com.hmsa
 0.17  0.08        681.7       39 |
 0.03  0.01        117.8        6 | com.humboldt1.dynamic.dsl
 0.03  0.24       1988.2        6 | com.iasl.alliancecorp
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | com.ibew46
 0.01  0.01         76.0        2 |
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 |
 0.04  0.02        200.4       10 |
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | com.ihc
 1.51  0.22       1872.7      340 | com.inktomisearch
 0.02  0.01         80.0        5 | com.inland
 0.74  0.32       2633.1      166 | com.insightbb.client
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | com.integrity
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | com.iowasocean
 0.11  0.03        226.0       24 | com.isomedia.focal
 0.11  0.04        371.9       24 | com.itce
 0.02  0.01         83.2        5 | com.itron
 0.03  0.02        140.7        7 | com.kodak
 0.02  0.00         41.7        4 | com.lakesplus
 0.00  0.00          0.6        1 |
 0.09  0.05        383.5       21 | com.lmco.external
 0.05  0.04        305.7       11 | com.looksmart
 0.04  0.05        380.0       10 | com.lycos.mia
 0.41  0.42       3525.2       91 | com.mchsi.client
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 |
 0.17  0.07        601.7       39 | com.mcs-environmental
 0.27  0.12        989.7       61 | com.mdsg-pacwest.phnx
 0.00  0.01         45.4        1 |
 0.08  0.27       2216.8       18 | com.mhs-nepa
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | com.midmaine
 0.04  0.01         83.7       10 |
 0.53  0.88       7343.5      120 | com.mindspring.cable
 0.03  0.02        141.5        7 | com.mindspring.dialup
 0.18  0.31       2626.1       41 | com.mindspring.dsl
 0.03  0.01        124.7        7 | com.mlode.dial
 0.04  0.02        200.4       10 | com.mpi-itec
 0.57  0.24       2013.4      128 | com.msn
 0.00  0.01         75.5        1 | com.multilinks.22.2.128
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | com.myeastern
 0.02  0.01         83.2        5 | com.myvzw.sub-66-174-92
 0.08  0.03        211.5       17 | com.myvzw.sub-66-174-93
 0.01  0.43       3557.5        2 | com.myvzw.sub-70-216-150
 0.02  0.01         83.2        5 | com.ncci
 0.01  0.01         44.0        3 |
 0.08  0.04        294.5       17 | com.netcommander
 0.07  0.07        599.2       15 | com.netvigator
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | com.networksolutions
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | com.newyorklife
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | com.nextgentel.80-202-44
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | com.nextgentel.80-202-90
 0.05  0.03        261.0       12 | com.nextgentel.80-203-70
 0.12  0.25       2114.0       28 | com.nextgentel.dd
 0.00  0.00          0.1        1 | com.northgrum
 0.12  0.06        520.4       28 |
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 |
 0.03  0.02        143.7        7 | com.ntl.broadband.bagu
 0.07  0.03        262.8       15 | com.o1.dialup
 0.08  0.05        384.2       19 | com.o1.dialup.bayarea
 0.08  0.03        258.3       17 | com.o1.dialup.nocal
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | com.o1.static
 0.03  0.01        125.0        6 | com.omnilec.179.25.42
 0.00  0.00         21.2        1 | com.ono.onocable
 0.02  0.01         83.2        5 | com.ono.user
 0.01  0.04        293.1        3 | com.ontariopowergeneration
 0.04  0.02        169.7        8 | com.orbital-lsg
 0.00  0.01         75.5        1 | com.outboundrequest
 0.05  0.03        228.5       12 | com.paccar
 0.24  0.05        416.9       54 | com.pb
 0.03  0.24       1994.1        7 |
 0.06  0.01         43.5       14 | com.picsearch
 0.02  0.01         60.9        5 | com.pipex.dsl
 0.03  0.00         24.0        7 | com.pivotal
 0.03  0.01         83.8        6 | com.pixi
 0.26  0.35       2916.4       58 |
 0.05  0.02        150.2       11 | com.propel
 0.05  0.02        201.0       11 | com.ptci
 0.04  0.01        119.4        9 | com.qualcomm
 0.06  0.03        228.6       13 | com.raytheon
 0.04  0.02        144.5       10 |
 0.10  0.04        355.1       23 |
 0.09  0.09        747.9       21 |
 0.02  0.01         83.2        5 |
 0.01  0.01         99.7        3 | com.riverglassinc
 1.08  1.19       9898.4      243 |
 0.07  0.03        237.7       16 |
 0.10  0.02        142.4       22 |
 0.01  0.00         24.1        3 |
 0.36  0.60       5019.8       80 | com.rr.res.austin
 0.07  0.03        283.6       15 | com.rr.res.bak
 0.03  0.01        117.4        7 | com.rr.res.carolina
 0.00  0.00          7.8        1 | com.rr.res.cfl.24.27.198
 0.07  0.29       2453.4       15 | com.rr.res.cfl.24.27.211
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | com.rr.res.cfl.24.95.245
 0.02  0.01         83.2        5 | com.rr.res.cfl.65.33.25
 0.00  0.00          5.9        1 | com.rr.res.cfl.68.205.84
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | com.rr.res.cfl.70.121.146
 0.03  0.01        117.8        6 | com.rr.res.cfl.70.121.173
 0.04  0.02        200.4       10 | com.rr.res.cinci
 0.08  0.03        266.9       17 | com.rr.res.columbus
 0.08  0.04        308.7       19 |
 0.01  0.00         23.5        2 | com.rr.res.elmore.175-24
 0.14  0.30       2462.1       32 | com.rr.res.hawaii
 0.28  0.47       3918.0       64 | com.rr.res.houston
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | com.rr.res.hvc
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | com.rr.res.indy
 0.16  0.07        621.4       37 | com.rr.res.jam
 0.04  0.24       1988.9        8 | com.rr.res.kc
 0.03  0.01         84.3        7 | com.rr.res.maine
 0.10  0.28       2318.0       23 |
 0.61  0.87       7257.1      137 |
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 |
 0.34  0.18       1496.7       77 | com.rr.res.neo
 0.03  0.01        117.8        6 |
 0.38  0.38       3159.6       86 |
 0.09  0.28       2344.5       21 | com.rr.res.nycap
 0.10  0.45       3779.3       23 | com.rr.res.rgv
 0.04  0.02        170.3        9 | com.rr.res.rochester
 0.11  0.06        459.9       24 | com.rr.res.san
 0.27  0.12       1007.8       61 | com.rr.res.satx
 0.08  0.05        376.8       19 |
 0.03  0.01        125.0        6 |
 0.02  0.01         83.2        5 |
 0.03  0.02        140.9        6 | com.rr.res.socal
 0.03  0.03        232.5        6 | com.rr.res.stny
 0.00  0.22       1871.0        1 | com.rr.res.stx
 0.00  0.22       1871.0        1 | com.rr.res.swfla.34-65
 0.08  0.03        231.2       18 | com.rr.res.tampabay.119-70
 0.05  0.03        257.9       12 | com.rr.res.tampabay.35-65
 0.01  0.00         36.6        2 | com.rr.res.tampabay.73-24
 0.08  0.27       2212.1       18 | com.rr.res.triad
 0.32  0.34       2863.2       72 | com.rr.res.wi
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | com.rr.res.woh
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | com.salliemae
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | com.seanet.dsl-sea
 0.01  0.01         78.2        2 | com.serverpronto
 0.00  0.00         23.7        1 | com.sfla-architects
 0.02  0.01         83.2        5 | com.sgfnl
 0.07  0.03        256.9       15 | com.shaws
 0.15  0.04        367.1       34 | com.siebel
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | com.siemens
 0.02  0.01         83.2        5 | com.skanova.bredband
 0.03  0.01        117.8        6 | com.skyviewtech
 0.03  0.02        140.9        6 | com.slipstreamdata
 0.02  0.23       1934.2        4 | com.stellarnet
 0.04  0.02        169.7        8 | com.stockequipment
 0.07  0.04        368.0       16 | com.swcp
 0.04  0.02        200.4       10 | com.telekomsrpske
 0.03  0.01        125.0        6 | com.telia
 0.01  0.01         76.0        2 | com.teoma
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | com.texlink
 0.00  0.00          0.2        1 | com.theplanet.reverse.70-85-114
 0.02  0.01         99.5        4 | com.theplanet.reverse.70-85-116
 0.04  0.02        166.4       10 | com.thewavz
 0.01  0.00         23.8        2 | com.titan.reston
 0.06  0.03        225.0       13 | com.tycoelectronics
 0.04  0.02        200.4       10 | com.udelhoven
 0.05  0.03        224.1       11 |
 0.01  0.01         76.0        2 | com.uscolo.203.204.9
 0.04  0.02        200.4       10 | com.valornet
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | com.verizon
 0.04  0.02        174.4        9 | com.wachovia
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | com.wavecable
 0.02  0.02        170.3        5 | com.webhostplus.ftl-nj
 0.06  0.03        229.1       13 | com.westelcom
 0.03  0.01        118.3        7 | com.westnet.dsl
 0.01  0.01         56.9        2 | com.wideopenwest.clv
 0.04  0.02        200.4       10 | com.wideopenwest.col
 0.10  0.49       4116.1       22 | com.wideopenwest.try
 0.03  0.01         85.6        6 | com.x-echo
 0.01  0.00         37.8        3 |
 0.17  0.35       2944.4       39 |
 0.18  0.00          5.7       41 |
 0.00  0.00          0.5        1 |
 0.03  0.24       1988.2        6 | cz.iol.broadband5.85
 0.03  0.01        125.0        6 |
 0.08  0.25       2101.5       17 | cz.moraviapress
 0.03  0.02        148.4        6 | cz.tiscali.brno
 0.14  0.28       2357.9       31 | cz.upc.chello
 0.03  0.24       1988.2        6 | de.celox.ipool
 0.00  0.22       1871.0        1 | de.eplus-online
 0.01  0.23       1894.7        2 | de.fh-reutlingen
 0.01  0.00          7.2        2 |
 0.00  0.00          5.9        1 | de.ish.reserved.194
 0.01  0.22       1871.1        2 | de.kabelbw.hsi
 0.05  0.02        204.9       11 | de.netcologne
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | de.pppool.e
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | de.strato-dslnet.c
 0.14  0.30       2471.4       32 | de.t-ipconnect.dip0
 0.02  0.01        102.6        4 | de.t-online.srv.k1
 0.00  0.00         23.7        1 | de.tiscali.tisdip.20.151.212
 0.07  0.02        170.1       15 | de.uni-leipzig.informatik
 0.05  0.02        191.6       12 | de.your-server.clients
 0.02  0.01        101.2        5 | dk.bonnier
 0.05  0.02        203.0       11 | dk.cybercity.adsl
 0.05  0.03        287.2       11 | dk.internet
 0.03  0.24       1988.2        6 | dk.tele2adsl.ip.120.34.73
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | edu.arizona.erl
 0.01  0.00         24.2        2 | edu.bowdoin.administrative
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | edu.colorado
 0.02  0.02        143.5        4 | edu.csuohio
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | edu.cuny.jjay.ac2
 0.03  0.01        117.8        6 | edu.fsu.mccollum
 0.03  0.01         84.3        7 | edu.ilstu
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | edu.mayo
 0.04  0.01        119.4        9 | edu.mtu.resnet
 0.03  0.01        117.8        6 | edu.ncsu.math
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 |
 0.08  0.24       1989.7       17 | edu.pdx.ras
 0.02  0.01         83.2        5 |
 0.03  0.01        117.8        6 | edu.smu.sic-ind
 0.04  0.02        130.1       10 | edu.tamu.cs
 0.09  0.05        400.9       20 | edu.tmc.mdacc
 0.00  0.00          7.8        1 | edu.txstate.resnet
 0.36  0.26       2195.5       80 |
 0.04  0.01        119.4        9 | edu.uconn.resnet
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | edu.uiuc.fs
 0.01  0.45       3742.0        2 | edu.uiuc.kcpa
 0.01  0.01        102.3        3 | edu.unca.resnet.fh1
 0.03  0.01        117.8        6 | edu.utexas.public
 0.03  0.01         83.0        7 |
 0.04  0.01        118.9        8 | edu.vt.dhcp
 0.00  0.01         45.4        1 | edu.washjeff
 0.06  0.02        202.1       13 | edu.wisc.dfrc
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | edu.wright
 0.02  0.01         83.2        5 |
 0.05  0.03        218.5       12 | edu.wwc
 0.12  0.03        260.2       26 | es.jazztel.adsl.116.250.106
 0.06  0.03        229.0       14 | es.upv.dsic
 0.13  0.29       2461.5       29 | fi.inet.dhcp
 0.01  0.01         58.5        3 | fi.mpynet.adsl
 0.07  0.03        282.5       15 | fi.tays
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | fr.univ-st-etienne
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | fr.wanadoo.abo.w81-49
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | fr.wanadoo.abo.w83-196
 0.00  0.22       1871.0        1 | fr.wanadoo.abo.w86-194
 0.01  0.01         76.0        2 | gbl.phx
 0.12  0.06        495.7       28 | gov.doe
 0.18  0.11        886.3       40 | gov.doe.netl
 0.02  0.01         83.2        5 | gov.nsa.corp
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | gov.treas
 0.04  0.24       2007.2       10 | gov.usps.srvs
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 |
 0.03  0.01        118.3        7 |
 0.09  0.05        386.2       20 | gr.forthnet.the
 0.04  0.08        705.9        9 | gr.hol.dsl
 0.03  0.02        125.6        7 | gr.otenet
 0.04  0.02        147.5        8 | gr.otenet.static
 0.02  0.01         83.2        5 | gr.panafon
 0.03  0.01        118.3        7 | gr.panafonet.nas.pir2
 0.01  0.00         29.4        3 | gr.uoi.physics
 0.21  0.10        823.7       47 | hr.fesb
 0.03  0.02        140.9        6 | hr.ina
 0.12  0.26       2187.3       28 |
 0.03  0.01         88.6        6 | hr.xnet
 0.12  0.05        378.4       26 | hu.broadband.catv
 0.03  0.02        151.2        6 | hu.freestart.dial
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | hu.interchange
 0.01  0.01         70.1        3 | hu.interware.adsl
 0.09  0.04        349.8       21 | hu.invitel.pool.220.203.131
 0.07  0.00          2.0       16 | hu.invitel.pool.8.205.131
 0.00  0.00          7.8        1 | hu.invitel.pool.80.204.131
 0.60  0.42       3523.5      135 | hu.t-online.pool
 0.05  0.02        125.6       12 | hu.vnet
 0.02  0.01         83.2        5 |
 0.03  0.24       1998.7        7 |
 0.02  0.01         73.0        5 |
 0.31  0.16       1306.9       69 | it.fastwebnet.ip
 0.01  0.01         54.7        3 | it.interbusiness.pool212171
 0.02  0.01         60.6        4 | it.interbusiness.pool217223
 0.04  0.02        131.9        8 | it.interbusiness.pool62211
 0.00  0.00          7.8        1 | it.interbusiness.pool80104
 0.02  0.00         41.7        4 | it.interbusiness.pool8250
 0.08  0.02        200.7       17 | it.interbusiness.pool8252
 0.02  0.01         60.6        4 | it.interbusiness.pool8255
 0.02  0.01         56.8        5 | it.interbusiness.pool8257
 0.04  0.02        143.8        9 | it.interbusiness.pool8259
 0.04  0.01         61.0        8 | it.interbusiness.pool8288
 0.02  0.01         60.6        4 | it.interbusiness.pool8290
 0.02  0.01         60.6        4 | it.interbusiness.pool870
 0.02  0.01         60.6        4 | it.interbusiness.pool8710
 0.02  0.01         93.1        4 | it.libero.24-151
 0.02  0.01         60.6        4 | it.libero.25-151
 0.00  0.22       1871.0        1 | it.libero.28-151
 0.08  0.05        443.7       19 | it.net24.46-151
 0.02  0.01        101.2        5 | it.tele2.cust
 0.04  0.01        121.2        8 | it.tiscali.cust-adsl
 0.01  0.00         37.9        3 | it.tiscali.dialup
 0.02  0.01         60.6        4 | it.unipi.dps
 0.05  0.04        323.5       12 |
 0.06  0.03        259.0       13 |
 0.03  0.01         65.5        6 |
 0.01  0.01         76.0        2 |
 0.00  0.00         36.9        1 |
 0.03  0.02        143.7        7 |
 0.03  0.01        117.8        6 |
 0.07  0.03        290.3       16 |
 0.02  0.02        143.5        4 |
 0.01  0.00         23.5        2 | lt.init
 0.04  0.03        291.3        9 |
 0.04  0.32       2657.4        9 |
 0.03  0.01         83.0        7 |
 0.04  0.02        159.1        9 |
 0.00  0.00          7.8        1 |
 0.02  0.01         83.2        5 |
 0.33  0.17       1416.8       75 |
 0.12  0.28       2359.5       27 |
 0.05  0.02        204.9       11 |
 0.04  0.24       2012.8        9 |
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 |
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 |
 0.04  0.02        141.8        8 |
 0.22  0.32       2644.8       49 |
 0.06  0.25       2118.6       14 |
 0.04  0.02        200.4       10 |
 0.00  0.00          7.8        1 |
 0.09  0.27       2293.4       21 |
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 |
 0.08  0.04        341.4       17 | net.adelphia.atlaga
 0.15  0.30       2499.8       34 | net.adelphia.atlsfl
 0.11  0.05        412.0       24 | net.adelphia.bflony
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | net.adelphia.buf
 0.08  0.04        368.5       18 | net.adelphia.chvlva
 0.15  0.30       2511.3       34 | net.adelphia.clspco
 0.12  0.06        461.7       26 | net.adelphia.clvdoh
 0.09  0.04        306.8       20 | net.adelphia.frdrmd
 0.00  0.00         25.4        1 | net.adelphia.lmdaca
 0.07  0.04        375.3       16 | net.adelphia.losaca
 0.03  0.01        117.8        6 | net.adelphia.pittpa
 0.00  0.22       1871.0        1 | net.adelphia.sbtnvt
 0.06  0.25       2106.5       13 | net.adelphia.ventca
 0.03  0.01        117.8        6 | net.adelphia.vnnyca
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | net.airband
 0.08  0.05        376.2       18 | net.airmail.cidr.cf9e.5c
 0.01  0.00         23.5        2 | net.algx.customer.z13-95-67
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | net.algx.customer.z250-154-67
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | net.algx.cvx.bal-01
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | net.aliant.ns
 0.00  0.00         23.7        1 | net.aliant.ns.dhcp-dynamic
 0.06  0.03        276.6       13 | net.allstream.dial
 0.04  0.02        142.0        8 | net.alltel.ip.151.213.145
 0.04  0.02        142.3        9 | net.alltel.ip.69.40.207
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | net.alltel.ip.69.40.24
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | net.alter.customer
 0.06  0.03        229.1       13 | net.alter.jnb6.cc2
 0.03  0.01         83.0        7 | net.ameritech.akrnoh.dsl
 0.05  0.02        201.6       12 | net.ameritech.bcvloh.dsl
 0.25  0.12       1008.0       56 | net.ameritech.chcgil.dsl
 0.12  0.07        554.1       27 | net.ameritech.ded
 0.10  0.05        439.8       22 | net.ameritech.emhril.dsl
 0.08  0.04        342.7       19 | net.ameritech.ipltin.dsl
 0.05  0.03        262.5       11 | net.ameritech.klmzmi.dsl
 0.05  0.03        214.9       12 | net.ameritech.mdsnwi.dsl
 0.11  0.07        591.9       25 | net.ameritech.sbndin.dsl
 0.02  0.01        109.0        5 | net.ameritech.sfldmi.dialup
 0.29  0.15       1218.6       65 | net.ameritech.sfldmi.dsl
 0.03  0.01        117.8        6 | net.amis.dynamic
 0.20  0.54       4543.8       44 | net.arcor-ip.pools
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | net.as15444
 0.06  0.04        293.8       14 |
 0.06  0.03        286.9       13 | net.atgi
 0.00  0.00         23.7        1 | net.atlanticbb.ny.smc
 0.01  0.00         30.3        3 | net.att
 0.00  0.00          7.8        1 |
 0.05  0.00          1.1       11 | net.att.dial-access.nj.mercerville-04-05rs
 0.03  0.01         84.3        7 | net.att.dial-access.or.portland-01rh15-16rt
 0.04  0.02        200.4       10 | net.att.dsl.attga31ur.sndg.mul226
 0.04  0.02        157.4        8 | net.awesomenet.hou.tnt1
 0.08  0.04        293.7       17 | net.bayarea
 0.00  0.01        112.4        1 | net.bbtec
 0.04  0.02        200.4       10 |
 0.01  0.00         23.5        2 | net.bellsouth.aby
 0.01  0.01         90.0        3 | net.bellsouth.aep
 0.27  0.12       1036.2       60 | net.bellsouth.asm
 0.08  0.27       2270.5       19 | net.bellsouth.asm.sip
 0.00  0.22       1871.0        1 | net.bellsouth.bct.sip
 0.13  0.07        554.0       29 | net.bellsouth.bgk
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | net.bellsouth.btr
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | net.bellsouth.chs.sip
 0.08  0.04        342.8       19 | net.bellsouth.clt
 0.02  0.01         83.2        5 | net.bellsouth.gnv
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | net.bellsouth.gsp
 0.03  0.01        125.0        6 | net.bellsouth.gsp.sip
 0.09  0.05        392.0       20 | net.bellsouth.jan
 0.02  0.02        143.5        4 | net.bellsouth.jax
 0.04  0.02        200.4       10 | net.bellsouth.lft
 0.09  0.04        318.7       21 | net.bellsouth.mco
 0.03  0.01        117.8        6 | net.bellsouth.mco.sip
 0.26  0.11        953.2       58 | net.bellsouth.mia
 0.02  0.01         83.2        5 | net.bellsouth.pns.sip
 0.04  0.02        200.4       10 | net.bellsouth.tys
 0.01  0.29       2430.6        3 | net.betaone
 0.07  0.04        322.1       16 | net.bezeqint.cust
 0.03  0.02        167.7        6 |
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | net.birch.dissent
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | net.bpinet
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | net.brainstorminternet.66.118.193
 0.03  0.01         83.0        7 | net.bresnan.client.bln-mt
 0.04  0.01        109.1       10 | net.bresnan.client.cac-co
 0.03  0.01        117.8        6 | net.bresnan.client.grf-mt
 0.08  0.03        284.7       17 | net.cableone.69-92-cpe
 0.49  0.42       3527.0      111 | net.cableone.cpe
 0.03  0.01        117.8        6 | net.camtel
 0.14  0.28       2367.2       31 | net.cantv.genericrev
 0.03  0.02        140.7        7 | net.cantv.ras.ccs
 0.03  0.01        117.8        6 | net.cantv.ras.ltq
 0.03  0.02        182.4        6 | net.cavtel.t1
 0.02  0.01         83.2        5 |
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | net.cebridge.tx.terrell
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | net.centurytel.che.rt-bras
 0.05  0.02        208.2       11 | net.centurytel.dyn
 0.01  0.01         64.2        3 | net.centurytel.jax.rb
 0.07  0.03        228.0       16 |
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | net.centurytel.msp
 0.06  0.03        225.5       14 | net.centurytel.wnvl.rt-bras
 0.11  0.05        377.8       25 | net.cgocable.home
 0.32  0.33       2765.0       72 | net.cgocable.home1
 0.01  0.00         23.5        2 | net.cnc.dsl.phl-pa.z064003048
 0.86  1.25      10451.4      193 |
 0.54  0.74       6150.5      121 |
 0.05  0.04        359.0       12 |
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 |
 0.00  0.00         23.7        1 |
 0.08  0.05        376.7       19 |
 0.14  0.07        606.2       31 |
 0.19  0.11        958.5       42 |
 0.12  0.29       2428.1       28 |
 0.36  0.68       5653.7       81 |
 0.38  0.32       2640.0       85 |
 0.49  0.24       2008.2      109 |
 0.12  0.49       4103.2       26 |
 0.07  0.04        317.6       15 |
 0.19  0.10        819.8       42 |
 0.01  0.01        106.7        2 |
 0.13  0.29       2431.8       30 |
 0.50  0.42       3531.9      112 |
 0.13  0.29       2379.4       29 |
 0.23  0.42       3491.5       51 |
 0.33  0.15       1246.2       75 |
 0.26  0.39       3248.9       58 |
 0.08  0.05        402.7       18 |
 0.51  0.40       3307.2      115 |
 0.12  0.06        463.4       27 |
 0.03  0.01        117.8        6 | net.concentric.xod.fre-ca
 0.00  0.00          7.8        1 | net.consolidated
 0.04  0.02        148.0        9 | net.coretel.csonline-dynamic-dialup
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | net.coretel.dynamic-dialup
 0.08  0.04        353.8       19 | net.covad.dynamic.lsanca54
 0.10  0.06        514.0       23 | net.covad.dynamic.nycmny83
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | net.covad.dynamic.sndacagl
 0.09  0.04        373.7       20 |
 0.32  0.12       1022.6       72 |
 0.05  0.03        218.9       11 |
 0.12  0.28       2339.3       27 | net.cox.dc.dc
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | net.cox.dl.bc
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | net.cox.dl.dl
 0.00  0.00          6.7        1 | net.cox.dl.fv
 0.05  0.02        156.7       12 |
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 |
 0.01  0.00          7.3        2 |
 0.12  0.06        464.9       26 | net.cox.ks.ks
 0.25  0.12       1007.7       56 |
 0.04  0.01        108.5        9 |
 0.14  0.08        703.8       31 | net.cox.oc.oc
 0.28  0.38       3156.0       63 | net.cox.ok.ok
 0.07  0.03        267.4       15 | net.cox.ok.tu
 0.02  0.01         83.2        5 |
 0.39  0.45       3738.0       88 |
 0.03  0.01        117.8        6 |
 0.04  0.02        169.7        8 |
 0.12  0.08        648.1       27 | net.cox.ri.ri
 0.13  0.30       2482.2       29 |
 0.42  0.46       3801.5       94 |
 0.04  0.02        200.4       10 | net.coxinet
 0.05  0.02        143.4       11 | net.csloxinfo.c
 0.06  0.02        142.0       13 | net.csolutions.customer
 0.03  0.01         83.8        6 | net.ctsimm
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | net.cvalley.mna.class_c
 0.00  0.01         75.5        1 | net.cvnt.ces.sld
 0.03  0.01         83.8        6 | net.cwgsy
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | net.cypresscom.client
 0.03  0.01        125.0        6 | net.deshevshe
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | net.e-nt.ip
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | net.earthlink.pas.accel
 0.15  0.08        670.6       34 |
 0.36  0.22       1830.2       80 |
 0.05  0.06        487.2       12 |
 0.03  0.01        106.9        6 |
 0.08  0.05        403.0       18 |
 0.09  0.04        346.1       21 |
 0.09  0.02        139.5       20 |
 0.14  0.29       2382.5       32 |
 0.00  0.00          0.5        1 | net.eltel
 0.02  0.01         83.2        5 | net.embode
 0.00  0.00          0.5        1 | net.enmaxenvision
 0.05  0.03        228.5       12 | net.enter
 0.05  0.02        201.0       11 | net.epix.hrbg.dsl
 0.03  0.01        117.8        6 | net.epix.unused
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | net.esedona
 0.03  0.01        117.8        6 | net.esinet.cvlva.ras
 0.16  0.08        667.2       36 | net.ev1
 0.04  0.07        604.0        8 | net.ev1servers
 0.00  0.03        272.1        1 | net.everestkc
 0.04  0.02        204.1        8 | net.fastres
 0.01  0.00          0.6        2 | net.fastsearch.bos3
 0.00  0.00         15.5        1 | net.fasttrackcomm
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 |
 0.00  0.01         65.4        1 |
 0.13  0.06        464.9       30 |
 0.01  0.00         23.5        2 |
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 |
 0.00  0.00         31.2        1 | net.frontiernet.nv.eko.nas1
 0.05  0.03        223.9       12 | net.frontiernet.ny.mdl.dsl1
 0.03  0.01        117.8        6 | net.frontiernet.ny.nor.dsl1
 0.01  0.01         90.0        3 | net.frontiernet.wi.egr.nas1
 0.04  0.03        242.4        9 | net.fuse
 0.02  0.00         41.7        4 | net.gaoland.rev.101-84.210
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | net.gaoland.rev.102-84.67
 0.07  0.03        267.9       16 | net.gaoland.rev.97-84.2
 0.15  0.04        368.6       33 | net.gci
 0.01  0.01         47.3        2 | net.globetrotter.ts.f1931
 0.03  0.24       1988.2        6 | net.globetrotter.ts.f1933
 0.03  0.24       2001.7        7 | net.globetrotter.ts.f1934
 0.07  0.02        191.9       15 | net.globetrotter.ts.f1936
 0.02  0.01        108.7        5 | net.go180
 0.04  0.03        234.4       10 | net.grandenetworks.ip
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | net.grics.peknil.adsl
 0.03  0.02        193.3        7 | net.grouptelecom.gtcust
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | net.gtcom
 0.04  0.01         83.6        9 | net.gulftelephone.dialup
 0.05  0.03        235.0       11 | net.gwi
 0.09  0.05        377.3       20 | net.hawaiiantel
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | net.hcsc
 0.08  0.04        346.7       18 | net.hdpl
 0.01  0.01         81.7        3 | net.hinet.dynamic
 0.00  0.00          0.8        1 | net.hinet.hinet-ip
 0.07  0.03        214.5       16 | net.hostnoc
 0.05  0.25       2071.4       11 | net.hp.americas
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | net.huron-perth
 0.02  0.01         83.2        5 | net.icon
 0.12  0.06        489.1       27 | net.ida
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | net.ij.tnt2
 0.03  0.01        118.3        7 | net.inreach.oak
 0.04  0.03        218.4       10 |
 0.12  0.26       2194.1       26 |
 0.02  0.01         83.2        5 | net.iphouse.static
 0.00  0.00         23.7        1 | net.island.cable.204.174.83
 0.12  0.07        565.4       27 | net.iw.216-16-100
 0.12  0.06        465.7       26 | net.kdsi.dynamic.169.197.20
 0.04  0.01         75.2        8 | net.kdsi.dynamic.194.197.20
 0.05  0.02        167.5       11 | net.kdsi.dynamic.206.197.20
 0.02  0.00          0.5        5 | net.kingston
 0.09  0.27       2247.9       21 | net.knology
 0.00  0.01         75.5        1 | net.kolido.rev.60.4.239
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | net.kpunet
 0.09  0.05        377.3       20 | net.lcinet
 0.03  0.01         89.1        6 | net.level3.atlanta1.dial1.106.107.154
 0.07  0.02        200.9       15 | net.level3.atlanta1.dial1.123.211.255
 0.04  0.01         63.0        9 | net.level3.atlanta1.dial1.142.213.255
 0.03  0.01        125.0        6 | net.level3.atlanta1.dial1.146.35.88
 0.10  0.05        438.2       23 | net.level3.atlanta1.dial1.157.26.137
 0.01  0.00         24.2        2 | net.level3.atlanta1.dial1.205.6.252
 0.01  0.00         23.5        2 | net.level3.chicago1.dial1.243.62.159
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | net.level3.chicago1.dial1.54.231.159
 0.01  0.00          8.4        2 | net.level3.cincinnati1.dial1.165.76.252
 0.12  0.03        266.6       27 | net.level3.cincinnati1.dial1.194.57.224
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | net.level3.cincinnati1.dial1.213.235.252
 0.02  0.01        104.5        4 | net.level3.cincinnati1.dial1.3.123.253
 0.02  0.01         83.2        5 | net.level3.cincinnati1.dial1.50.92.225
 0.00  0.00         23.7        1 | net.level3.dallas1.dial1.31.5.90
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | net.level3.denver1.dial1.181.218.254
 0.00  0.01         75.5        1 | net.level3.denver1.dial1.186.204.225
 0.03  0.01        117.8        6 | net.level3.denver1.dial1.220.207.225
 0.05  0.03        212.7       12 | net.level3.detroit1.dial1.176.201.229
 0.02  0.01         96.0        4 | net.level3.detroit1.dial1.87.237.225
 0.12  0.05        389.8       26 | net.level3.houston1.dial1.112.162.230
 0.02  0.00          0.5        5 | net.level3.houston1.dial1.156.162.230
 0.02  0.01         83.2        5 | net.level3.houston1.dial1.250.171.230
 0.04  0.00          1.2        8 | net.level3.houston1.dial1.75.252.230
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | net.level3.losangeles1.dial1.252.204.232
 0.02  0.00         16.7        4 | net.level3.manchester1.dial1.8.200.233
 0.01  0.12       1003.3        3 | net.level3.miami1.dial1.228.15.234
 0.00  0.00         23.7        1 | net.level3.orlando1.dial1.255.130.254
 0.04  0.02        200.4       10 | net.level3.philadelphia1.dial1.120.27.239
 0.03  0.02        140.9        6 | net.level3.philadelphia1.dial1.88.27.239
 0.09  0.00          2.9       21 | net.level3.phoenix1.dial1.1.160.254
 0.08  0.05        402.5       17 | net.level3.sanjose1.dial1.24.117.181
 0.00  0.01         83.9        1 | net.level3.sanjose1.dial1.57.226.246
 0.06  0.03        228.8       14 | net.level3.sanjose1.dial1.57.228.246
 0.03  0.01        123.2        7 | net.level3.sanjose1.dial1.76.227.246
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | net.level3.seattle1.dial1.135.6.243
 0.00  0.00         23.7        1 | net.level3.seattle1.dial1.191.78.255
 0.29  0.06        469.6       66 | net.level3.seattle1.dial1.210.45.243
 0.19  0.00          5.7       42 | net.level3.seattle1.dial1.68.114.242
 0.07  0.03        283.8       16 | net.level3.stlouis1.dial1.128.18.244
 0.08  0.03        251.6       17 | net.level3.stlouis1.dial1.161.18.244
 0.06  0.01        118.0       13 | net.level3.tampa1.dial1.11.239.247
 0.02  0.01         83.2        5 | net.level3.tampa1.dial1.150.254.247
 0.04  0.04        312.4       10 | net.level3.tampa1.dial1.160.251.247
 0.02  0.27       2266.3        4 | net.level3.tampa1.dial1.211.126.247
 0.06  0.02        144.4       14 | net.level3.tampa1.dial1.240.251.247
 0.02  0.01         75.8        4 | net.level3.tampa1.dial1.63.251.247
 0.02  0.00          0.5        5 | net.level3.tampa1.dial1.90.254.247
 0.03  0.01        117.8        6 | net.lisco
 0.02  0.01         83.2        5 | net.lodgenet.0059190
 0.11  0.05        399.1       25 | net.lpbroadband
 0.00  0.00          0.5        1 | net.m-online.customer
 0.12  0.04        350.6       27 | net.mediaways.pool
 0.04  0.03        287.0        8 | net.midamerica.jc-dialup
 0.03  0.01        117.3        6 | net.midco
 0.03  0.00          1.6        7 | net.moment
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | net.montanasat.126.73.135
 0.15  0.06        464.1       33 | net.mountaincable.cpe
 0.03  0.01        106.7        7 | net.mtaonline.palmer
 0.13  0.08        627.5       29 | net.mts.dynamic
 0.04  0.01         96.9       10 | net.mwt.westby
 0.00  0.00         23.7        1 | net.mycybernet
 0.05  0.02        201.0       11 | net.mydestiny
 0.00  0.00          7.8        1 | net.navix
 0.03  0.01        117.8        6 | net.nefkom.
 0.06  0.03        248.8       14 | net.netins.dsl
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | net.netnitco
 0.17  0.08        697.6       38 | net.netptc.friant.broadband
 0.04  0.02        200.4       10 | net.newsouth.11-241.147
 0.01  0.00          8.4        2 | net.newsouth.123-169.38
 0.05  0.03        235.0       11 |
 0.24  0.35       2924.3       53 | net.ntli.server
 0.01  0.00         23.5        2 | net.nuvox.nw.182.170.64
 0.12  0.05        408.4       26 | net.nvbell.renocs.dsl
 0.06  0.03        272.1       14 | net.oct
 1.00  0.97       8080.8      225 | net.optonline.dyn
 0.01  0.01         47.9        3 | net.pacbell.bkfd14.dsl
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | net.pacbell.frsn01.dsl
 0.64  0.23       1911.8      144 | net.pacbell.irvnca.dsl
 0.25  0.67       5565.6       57 | net.pacbell.pltn13.dsl
 0.01  0.00         23.5        2 | net.pacbell.renocs.dsl
 0.12  0.28       2341.4       28 | net.pacbell.scrm01.dsl
 0.24  0.13       1089.2       54 | net.pacbell.skt2ca.dsl
 0.29  0.36       3042.2       66 | net.pacbell.sndg02.dsl
 0.29  0.34       2836.1       66 | net.pacbell.snfc21.dsl
 0.11  0.05        402.6       25 | net.pacbell.sntc01.dsl
 0.00  0.00          7.8        1 | net.patmedia
 0.03  0.01        118.3        7 | net.perspektivbredband
 0.01  0.01         52.4        3 | net.pineland
 0.06  0.03        259.6       14 | net.pldi.highspeed.dyn
 0.06  0.03        248.2       14 | net.pldt.128.128.213
 0.05  0.02        207.6       12 | net.pldt.201.150.213
 0.05  0.02        204.9       11 | net.pldt.32.228.213
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | net.pldt.76.183.213
 0.09  0.05        376.4       20 | net.pldt.79.153.213
 0.04  0.02        142.0        8 | net.popsite.165
 0.03  0.02        154.3        6 | net.prairieinet.illinois
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | net.prairieinet.iowa
 0.01  0.02        151.0        2 | net.proxad.adsl
 0.24  0.09        710.6       55 | net.proxad.fbx
 0.00  0.01         52.5        1 | net.prserv.mis
 0.01  0.00         30.3        3 | net.pshift
 0.08  0.04        346.4       18 | net.ptd.brd.res-cmts.145.34.115
 0.08  0.04        345.8       17 | net.ptd.sth.res-cmts.39.210.115
 0.04  0.02        200.4       10 | net.quickclic.cpe
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | net.qwest.albq
 0.04  0.02        142.0        8 | net.qwest.blng
 0.04  0.02        141.8        9 | net.qwest.bois
 0.03  0.01        118.3        7 | net.qwest.clsp
 0.04  0.03        260.7        9 | net.qwest.cust.dia
 0.02  0.00          0.5        5 |
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 |
 0.07  0.03        284.2       16 |
 0.07  0.03        241.0       15 |
 0.05  0.02        201.0       11 |
 0.02  0.01        100.6        4 |
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 |
 0.01  0.00         23.5        2 |
 0.03  0.01         83.8        6 |
 0.00  0.00         23.7        1 |
 0.03  0.01         95.8        6 |
 0.04  0.02        197.2        9 | net.qwest.dlth
 0.03  0.01         83.8        6 | net.qwest.eugn
 0.01  0.00         23.5        2 | net.qwest.hlna
 0.17  0.09        727.3       39 | net.qwest.hlrn
 0.08  0.03        233.1       19 | net.qwest.ptld
 0.04  0.25       2063.8        8 | net.qwest.slkc
 0.06  0.03        225.5       14 | net.qwest.spkn
 0.02  0.01         83.2        5 | net.qwest.tcsn
 0.04  0.03        234.4       10 | net.qwest.tukw
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | net.rdns-bnin.nptpop-usrtc01-dial-sub.211.233.249
 0.19  0.06        510.1       42 | net.ricochet.ip.den1
 0.05  0.02        148.2       12 |
 0.00  0.01         70.9        1 | net.rima-tde.proxycache
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 |
 0.00  0.22       1871.0        1 |
 0.00  0.00          7.8        1 |
 0.02  0.00         41.7        4 |
 0.00  0.00          0.1        1 |
 0.07  0.26       2172.0       15 | net.romtelecom
 0.02  0.01         83.2        5 | net.rrv.ip
 0.35  0.56       4689.4       79 | net.saix
 0.03  0.01        117.8        6 | net.saix.tenet
 0.03  0.01        117.8        6 | net.sbcglobal.austtx.dsl
 0.03  0.01        117.8        6 | net.sbcglobal.okcyok.dsl
 0.00  0.00          6.7        1 | net.sbcglobal.sgnwmi.dsl
 0.08  0.27       2247.1       18 | net.sbcglobal.snfc21.dsl
 0.04  0.01        117.7       10 | net.sbcglobal.stlsmo.dsl
 0.03  0.01        118.2        7 | net.sbcglobal.tul2ok.dsl
 0.00  0.22       1871.0        1 | net.securenet
 0.05  0.03        235.6       12 | net.sentechsa
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 |
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 |
 0.14  0.30       2501.0       31 |
 0.10  0.04        325.5       22 | net.shawcable.du
 0.05  0.03        258.1       11 | net.shawcable.ed
 0.10  0.05        401.5       22 | net.shawcable.gv
 0.04  0.03        234.4       10 | net.shawcable.ok
 0.03  0.01         83.8        6 | net.shawcable.rd
 0.05  0.03        235.6       12 |
 0.10  0.06        500.8       23 |
 0.13  0.07        566.3       29 | net.shawcable.vs
 0.01  0.01         89.0        2 | net.shawcable.vw
 0.02  0.01         83.2        5 | net.shawcable.wp
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | net.shawneelink
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | net.sheltermail
 0.21  0.31       2621.9       47 | net.siol.dsl
 0.15  0.07        599.2       34 | net.siol.dsl.dial-up
 0.04  0.02        155.6       10 | net.snet.adsl
 0.02  0.02        143.5        4 | net.snet.ded
 0.05  0.03        223.9       12 | net.sniparpa
 0.02  0.01        101.2        5 | net.sonic.dial.sr2.nas2
 0.02  0.01        101.2        5 | net.sonic.static.dsl
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | net.sopris
 0.03  0.01         83.7        6 | net.spcsdns.area5
 0.01  0.00         24.1        3 | net.spcsdns.area7
 0.04  0.02        131.4        8 | net.spidernet
 0.01  0.00         24.8        3 | net.spinn
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | net.sprint-canada.dialup
 0.07  0.48       4000.3       15 | net.sprint-hsd.dhcp
 0.56  0.84       6972.0      125 | net.sprint-hsd.dyn
 0.02  0.01         83.2        5 |
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | net.sprintlink
 0.02  0.02        143.5        4 | net.ssi-pci.blf
 0.03  0.00         24.7        7 | net.starband.mrt.g4.c005
 0.16  0.28       2347.3       35 | net.starband.mrt.t7.c050
 0.09  0.25       2095.9       20 | net.starband.mrt.t7.c189
 0.00  0.01         75.5        1 | net.superb
 0.04  0.02        169.7        8 | net.surewest.swbr.ftth.177-78-65
 0.03  0.02        140.7        7 | net.suscom.209.23.219
 0.04  0.02        200.4       10 | net.suscom.209.23.233
 0.03  0.01        106.7        7 | net.swbell.ablntx.dsl
 0.00  0.00         23.7        1 | net.swbell.austtx.dsl
 0.01  0.00         24.3        3 | net.swbell.ded
 0.08  0.03        259.0       18 | net.swbell.hstntx.dsl
 0.08  0.26       2189.8       18 | net.swbell.mdldtx.dsl
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | net.swbell.rcsntx.dialup
 0.24  0.11        886.5       54 | net.swbell.rcsntx.dsl
 0.07  0.04        293.6       15 | net.swbell.snantx.dsl
 0.02  0.01         83.2        5 | net.swbell.spfdmo.dsl
 0.07  0.03        265.4       15 | net.swbell.stlsmo.dsl
 0.07  0.01        109.0       15 | net.swbell.wchtks.dsl
 0.34  0.64       5309.2       77 | net.t-dialin.dip
 0.11  0.26       2135.5       24 | net.tds.mntimn
 0.09  0.04        374.2       21 | net.tds.unk.69-21
 0.04  0.00          1.0       10 | net.telemach.dc.
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | net.telepacific
 0.06  0.28       2358.8       13 | net.tellechea
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | net.telnor.195.104.130
 0.30  0.63       5241.1       68 | net.telus.abhsia
 0.72  0.56       4714.4      161 | net.telus.bchsia
 0.05  0.03        223.9       12 | net.telus.dial
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | net.telus.hsia.ab
 0.09  0.03        263.4       21 | net.triera.cable
 0.57  0.42       3481.2      129 | net.twtelecom.gen
 0.10  0.03        260.0       23 | net.ucom
 0.04  0.02        200.4       10 | net.usatek
 0.00  0.00         23.7        1 | net.usfamily
 0.00  0.00          7.8        1 | net.uspops.or.eug
 0.19  0.09        750.0       42 | net.uswest.phnx
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | net.uu.aspac.ops.syd
 0.02  0.01         83.2        5 | net.uu.da.chi15.tnt29
 0.03  0.03        215.4        6 | net.uu.da.cle11.an2
 0.03  0.02        140.7        7 | net.uu.da.ind20.an4
 0.05  0.02        201.0       11 |
 0.60  0.29       2393.0      135 | net.verizon.dsl-w.austtx
 0.02  0.01         83.2        5 | net.verizon.dsl-w.chi
 0.00  0.00          7.8        1 | net.verizon.dsl-w.cni
 0.03  0.02        148.7        7 | net.verizon.dsl-w.dfw
 0.06  0.03        259.6       14 | net.verizon.dsl-w.gdrpwi
 0.00  0.22       1871.0        1 | net.verizon.dsl-w.herntx
 0.03  0.01        117.8        6 | net.verizon.dsl-w.lax
 0.55  0.75       6289.4      124 | net.verizon.dsl-w.lsanca
 0.11  0.05        448.2       25 | net.verizon.dsl-w.ptldor
 0.16  0.29       2448.0       36 | net.verizon.dsl-w.sttlwa
 0.41  0.43       3547.7       93 | net.verizon.dsl-w.tampfl
 0.09  0.03        280.7       20 | net.verizon.east.balt
 0.10  0.04        342.7       23 | net.verizon.east.bltmmd
 0.29  0.33       2728.9       66 | net.verizon.east.bos
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 0.03  0.01        125.0        6 | net.verizon.east.burl
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 0.03  0.01         96.3        7 | net.verizon.east.ny325
 0.06  0.27       2287.9       14 | net.verizon.east.ny5030
 0.07  0.03        261.4       16 | net.verizon.east.pghk
 0.19  0.10        798.2       43 | net.verizon.east.phil
 0.14  0.07        587.1       31 | net.verizon.east.pitt
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 0.04  0.03        261.3       10 | net.verizon.east.syr
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | net.verizon.east.syrcny
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 0.14  0.08        666.8       31 | net.verizon.fios.dllstx
 0.03  0.24       2011.9        7 | net.verizon.fios.phlapa
 0.01  0.00         40.7        2 | net.verizon.fios.tampfl
 0.05  0.04        371.9       12 | net.verizon.fios.washdc
 0.06  0.03        220.6       14 | net.vif
 0.06  0.03        261.5       13 | net.volja.dial-up
 0.05  0.03        224.6       12 | net.w-link
 0.03  0.01        125.0        6 |
 0.01  0.01         57.1        3 | net.wcc.santx.dialup
 0.06  0.04        301.0       14 | net.webtv.bay
 0.03  0.01        117.8        6 | net.whidbey
 0.04  0.02        141.8        8 | net.wildblue.cust
 0.02  0.01         83.2        5 | net.wiscnet
 0.04  0.02        200.4       10 | net.wk
 0.02  0.00         12.8        4 |
 0.00  0.00          0.5        1 |
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 |
 0.03  0.02        135.5        6 |
 0.01  0.01         58.3        2 | net.xtraport
 0.01  0.01         90.0        3 | net.zimbiz
 0.04  0.02        130.4        8 | net.ziplink.dialup
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 |
 0.03  0.01         83.8        6 | nl.cambrium.dsl
 0.00  0.01         75.5        1 | nl.chello.upc-a
 0.00  0.01         75.5        1 | nl.chello.upc-e
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 0.02  0.01         83.2        5 | nl.chello.upc-i
 0.00  0.00          5.9        1 | nl.demon
 0.19  0.56       4678.4       43 |
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 0.05  0.24       1988.7       11 | nl.fastxdsl
 0.00  0.00         23.7        1 | nl.hccnet.dial
 0.06  0.03        261.1       13 |
 0.03  0.01        106.7        7 |
 0.04  0.03        260.7        9 | nl.mxposure.dsl
 0.19  0.09        765.7       43 | nl.planet.speed
 0.23  0.09        733.5       51 | nl.tiscali.ip.dsl
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | nl.tue.libr
 0.03  0.01        117.8        6 | nl.versatel.adsl
 0.05  0.03        255.8       12 | nl.versatel.adsl2
 0.04  0.02        169.7        8 | nl.wanadoo.adsl
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | nl.wanadoo.cable
 0.24  0.10        825.1       55 | nl.xs4all
 0.01  0.00         23.5        2 | no.alfanett.customer
 0.52  0.64       5328.4      117 |
 0.86  0.68       5703.9      193 |
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 |
 0.09  0.06        484.8       20 |
 0.14  0.07        553.9       31 |
 0.06  0.03        235.7       13 |
 0.08  0.04        318.6       19 |
 0.08  0.03        258.7       17 | org.bccls
 0.00  0.00          7.8        1 | org.ccboe
 0.02  0.01        100.6        4 | org.hal-pc.adsl.122.153.180
 0.02  0.02        143.5        4 | org.milwaukeeacademyofscience
 0.05  0.04        299.4       11 | org.nmh
 0.10  0.06        459.4       23 | org.sjvls
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | org.springdalelibrary
 0.11  0.04        356.7       24 | org.ucsfmedicalcenter
 0.22  0.55       4603.2       50 | org.westpark
 0.03  0.01         95.8        6 |
 0.04  0.02        141.8        8 |
 0.00  0.00          5.9        1 | pl.tpnet.adsl.neoplus
 0.05  0.03        235.6       12 | pl.v.internet
 0.13  0.29       2381.4       30 | pl.veranet
 0.03  0.02        125.6        7 | pt.ip.isp
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | pt.netcabo.cpe
 0.05  0.02        125.5       11 |
 0.03  0.01        117.8        6 | ro.astral.b
 0.03  0.01         83.0        7 | ro.maxnet.home
 0.01  0.23       1894.5        3 | ro.rdsnet
 0.01  0.01         75.2        2 | ro.rdsnet.oradea
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | ru.arteknet
 0.14  0.16       1335.9       32 | ru.metrolife.xdsl.pool
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 | ru.mtu-net.dialup
 0.01  0.00         15.6        2 | ru.mtu-net.pppoe
 0.01  0.00          1.0        2 | ru.rambler
 0.00  0.00          0.5        1 |
 0.03  0.01         74.9        7 |
 0.08  0.04        346.7       18 |
 0.01  0.00          1.0        2 | sc.whois
 0.03  0.24       1988.8        7 | se.bredbandsbolaget.cust.04-2013-73746f16
 0.04  0.01        102.9        8 | se.skane
 0.10  0.09        727.4       22 |
 0.05  0.25       2079.0       12 |
 0.13  0.29       2427.1       30 |
 0.09  0.04        346.7       20 | si.arnes.dial-up
 0.07  0.04        344.8       16 | sk.chello
 0.20  0.28       2354.8       44 | sk.telecom.84-47-46
 0.00  0.00         23.7        1 | sk.telecom.87-197-142
 0.05  0.02        204.9       11 | sk.telecom.87-197-156
 0.01  0.01         81.5        2 |
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 |
 0.07  0.03        277.9       16 |
 0.11  0.04        347.8       25 |
 0.16  0.07        562.9       36 |
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 |
 0.11  0.06        470.7       25 |
 0.08  0.09        788.2       18 |
 0.03  0.01        117.8        6 |
 0.03  0.01         83.0        7 |
 0.02  0.02        143.5        4 |
 0.13  0.06        516.4       29 |
 0.03  0.02        192.7        6 |
 0.08  0.26       2194.2       19 |
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 |
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 |
 0.03  0.01        117.8        6 |
 0.06  0.01         83.7       14 |
 0.06  0.03        287.5       14 |
 0.03  0.01        117.8        6 |
 0.01  0.00         23.5        2 |
 0.03  0.01        117.8        6 |
 0.00  0.00         23.7        1 |
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 |
 0.00  0.01         55.4        1 |
 0.05  0.01        118.2       11 |
 0.02  0.01        100.6        4 |
 0.03  0.01        117.8        6 |
 0.04  0.24       1993.2        8 |
 0.02  0.01         83.2        5 |
 0.02  0.01        117.2        5 |
 0.10  0.05        402.9       22 |
 0.02  0.00          0.5        5 | yu.eunet.189
 0.01  0.00         16.0        2 | yu.eunet.23
 0.13  0.30       2528.5       30 |
 0.04  0.02        141.8        8 |
 0.00  0.00          7.8        1 |
 0.00  0.00         23.7        1 |

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