Rife Technologies Non Technical Page
This web site has been updated as
of 12/20/09 .
A new book is available
as of January 2012, authored by Dr. Andre Bellossi and Pr. Gerard
Dubost, which has a full chapter devoted to the Rife-Bare device, and
other chapters which mention and evaluate aspects of the device's
usage. This is a technical book, with discussions upon the physics and
biology of EM fields . It is an ideal college level text book that
should stimulate discussion and inquiries within the scientific
community of EM field frequency devices.
It can be ordered
directly from LULU via the link below. It's ID # is
and Non Thermal Effects of Electromagnetic Fields on Bio Systems
If you are considering donating
to cancer research, please give some thought to this 501(c)(3) non
profit cancer research group. Funding is necessary to
further development of their initial highly promising results obtained
by utilizing EM fields on several different cancer cell types. More has
been accomplished in a very short period of time, than many
avenues of conventional research have accomplished in decades.
Just click on the research button, and then on the cancer button, to
see reports, charts, data, and some amazing video's what has been accomplished to date .
Published and Presented Papers on the
Bare Device. Documentation and supporting science for the
Bare device does exist.
This is new as of October 2010, and is being updated and added to as
time permits. Presently a total of 17 papers and Power Point
presentations are available. Papers
on the Bare Device
AVI video of exploding Blepharisma organism after exposure to
the plasma wave generated by the instrument. 1.9MB, needs Windows 3.1, 95, 98 or other AVI viewer.Run time is about 15 seconds.
A Major Announcement!
Resonant Light Technology Inc. of Canada, is proud to announce the
availability of the PERL Rife/Bare instrument. The
PERL is an
advanced, fully enclosed and programmable Rife/Bare instrument. It offers simplicity of use with minimal user involvement. Frequencies
and their control are generated by a programmable miniature dedicated
computer. The PERL instrument is built under license to the authors
patented electrical specifications The PERL constructed by a company with years of experience in both Rife/Bare instruments and customer satisfaction.
Please visit the Resonant Light Technology web site for more
Resonant Light Technology
If you are ill with a non medical health care condition,
please see a practitioner of natural therapeutics.
James E. Bare, D.C.
Copyright 2010, by Plasma Sonics Ltd. Co. . The device
discussed on the website is protected under one or more US and
International Patents
US Patents # 5908441, # 6221094. UK patent # GB 2,336,318, PCT approved # US98/00217, W098/31418,
Other US Patents Pending
Over the past 15 years, the author has been involved
in the development and dissemination of information about the
application and use of frequencies for a variety of
applications. The book "Resonant Frequency Therapy - Building the
Rife/Bare Device" , is no longer available. The video tape is
also no longer available. A wonderful web site which has a significant
amount of video tape of benign micro organisms being affected by a
Rife/Bare device can be found here:
There are also videos of the effects of the device on Google
Video. Simply do a search using the terms Rife/Bare.
For those looking for a book on the use of frequency instruments
for therapeutic purposes,
The Rife Handbook of Frequency Therapy by Dr. Nenah Sylver is
the premiere source of information.
This web site will remain as an information source for those
interested in frequency devices. The authors
research and developments have been oriented towards improvement of a
frequency device first created and tested in the 1930's by Dr. Royal Rife, and then lost to humanity for the next 65 years.
This web site references a lot of material and data that the author has
collected over the years. Much of this is from disconnected sources,
each source has revealed and contributed a small amount of information.
As a summation, the information thus available becomes one of the
foundation of a new science. It is the authors intent that this
web site may help provide an insight to the discovery of
answers as yet unknown.
The Rife/Bare instrument utilizes patented methods and techniques to produce a modern day recreation
of a relatively unknown therapy device. A device first created and tested in the 1930's by Dr. Royal Rife, and then lost to humanity for the next 65 years.
Most readers have arrived at this web site looking for information
relating to health. There is much more to frequency devices than this
singular application.
It is the authors belief that the future of frequency
devices does not lie merely in the manipulation of human physiologic
processes. The worlds human population continues to expand
at a rate which is swamping carrying capacity . Overpopulation
has resulted in the destruction of habitats and extinction of
other life forms that share our fragile home. Frequency devices
offer the potential of ; increasing the productivity of existing lands
by significantly increasing crop yields , the widening of growing
seasons so that extra crops or more varied crops can be grown ,
increasing the production of natural fibers used for clothing, the
protection of stored crops from spoilage, improvement in the living
conditions of penned livestock within their barns,
increased production of foods made from molds and bacteria, increased
fermentation rates, increased production of antibiotics, and
increased production rates of biofuels just to name some of the more
prominent potential uses. Water treatment and purification is yet
another use for frequency devices. By combining the correct frequency,
field strength, and field emissions, one can significantly affect the
future of our planet. There is a wealth of published papers
detailing the effects of pulsed EM fields on these processes. As
an example - by using a high power Rife/Bare instrument with an
ozone and UV producing plasma tube, one can effectively treat
mold infestations and purify water. Water treatment with UV is
not new, but use of UV and ozone emitting tubes that are driven at
hundreds, if not thousands of watts of power offer is new , and
offers an untapped potential.
To return to Rife. Clinical applications and success with Dr. Rife's machine
extended through the 1930's, with treatment of a wide variety of
micro organism based diseases. The late 1930's witnessed the founding of the Beam Ray
Company to commercially produce the "Rife Ray" device. By the mid 1940's, the technology behind Dr. Rife's device was essentially lost. The Beam
Ray Company had self destructed, and the scientific accomplishments of Dr. Rife became more urban legend than fact. Dr. Rife's legacy exists in the estimated 400,000 frequency devices that are presently
in use here in the USA. Some of these instruments are very effective
with a wide range of applications,
others have very limited capabilities .
The many intervening decades from Dr. Rife's time to our
present day has seen the discovery of many new cellular physiologic
mechanisms. It was not possible until the past
few years to explain how Dr. Rife's instrument functioned and produced
physiologic effects. Some people claim that Dr. Rife was able to "blow
up" or explode cells and micro organisms. This
concept of mechanical resonance - "shake it till it breaks" is highly
limited and the actual mechanisms behind the effects of frequency
devices are quite biologically complex.
This knowledge has led the author to improve upon the original device, and to obtain patents.
Patents which protect the unique methods, electrical concepts, and
abilities to create cellular physiologic manipulation, of the
modern day Rife/Bare device.
Dr. Rife's Device or as some call it, a " Rife Machine "
is a highly misunderstood instrument. This misunderstanding has arisen
in part due to what people expect of the electronics, and the reality
of how the device operates . Another set of misunderstandings have
arisen from Dr. Rife's intentions for his device. Dr. Rife
focused upon the destruction of micro organisms and viruses. The
concept of physiologic manipulation using frequencies to affect disease
processes was not Dr.
Rife's focus or intent. The original Rife Instruments used a
radio transmitter to excite a gas plasma formed within a glass tube. The emissions from the
plasma inside the tube were what produced the devices capabilities. In
other words there are two important aspects to the device. First,
there is the driving electronics, and secondarily, yet most important ,
the plasma tube. Both the plasma tube and the electronics play a
crucial role in the ability of the device to create physiologic effects
Rife RF Plasma Instruments have been in production, and
introduced into Interstate Commerce since the mid 1930's. Several
different versions were produced in the mid 1930's through the late
1940's. These units saw use within medical offices and clinics in
several different states. The latest discovery, a unit made in 1938,
was found in an attic in 2008. Only a small number of pictures , and
an even smaller number of machines have survived to this modern date.
You can see these units here:
Rife Units In Interstate Commerce
Evidence based medicine is a developing science. If the reader
has a biological background, and wonders how to integrate frequency
devices into existing practice, they may find this hypothesis of interest.
Field Assisted Chemotherapy
As a society, we are primarily oriented towards a chemical
explanation of biological processes. Various theories, and applications of those theories, have been applied to the
explanation of life,
health, and disease. The use of biochemical solutions to disease
has served us well. Many people ( including the author!) owe our
lives and well being to the use of medications developed using
the biochemical model. In spite of successes, the biochemical model
is fraught with philosophic traps which have lead to treatment dead
ends, and all to often, toxic side effects for the patient. Something very important has been
forgotten in our present biochemical health delivery model .
That is, the idea that treatment should promote a cure. Instead of
a cure, treatment is directed towards long term symptom palliation
and case management . It is possible that the solution to this
conundrum may be found in the study of BioElectroChemistry.
On a fundamental level, all biochemical reactions are Electro Magnetic. Atoms and molecules are composed of charged particles which are in constant motion and vibration. Atomic, Molecular, and bond orbitals are just a way of saying that electrical charges are moving about an axis, within certain distance parameters set by the
energetics of the system. Increases of energy within the system produces a corresponding increase of bond vibrational rates and can institute a variety of what are known as chemical reactions. Overlooked, is that charged particles are actually interacting, and charged particles, through the laws of electromagnetism, can easily be manipulated. The energies emitted via the interaction of " Chemical Bonds " are emitted as forms of electromagnetism. Heat, light, explosive energies, and so on are all forms of electromagnetism. Recognition of these laws, and their application within
our bodies can, and already have, yielded new theories,
new medications, and new treatments of human illness.
As an introduction, the author is going to discuss a few principles of electricity. When read, please begin thinking in terms of the body. Our bodies are a complex matrix of various electrical components. These components include; conductors, semiconductors, resistors, capacitors, inductors, and charge carriers.
Charge carriers in our bodies are ions, proteins, colloids, and crystals. All charges depend upon some sort of
conduction system in order for the charges to move. In our bodies, charged particle flow may occur in association with cells,
blood vessels, lymphatic ducts, inter and extracellular fluids,
or any other biological analog of what might be considered a wire.
When one discusses electricity, what one is really talking about is
the movement of electrons. Electrons can be gained or lost from an object leaving the object with a net negative or positive charge.
These charges can be relative. That is, an object may be negative
due to a loss of electrons, but considered as positive in relation to the overall negative charge of it's surroundings. By gaining or loosing electrons, our bodies utilize many different
charge carriers. For example, metallic ions such as K, Na, Mg, and Hyrodgen act as positive charge carriers. Negative charge carriers would be Cl, hydroxal ions, phosphates, sulphates, and electrons to name few.
When electrons or any charged particles flow along a conductor, an electrical current is produced. This electrical current gives rise to what is known as an electrical field. The higher the number of charges flowing in the conductor, the higher the current. As these charges
move in the conductor, a magnetic field is also produced. In short, a charged particle that moves creates both an electrical and magnetic field. The force or push behind the charges moving in the conductor
is known as the potential, or as it is more commonly called, the voltage. The higher the voltage, the higher the push or force on the charges. In summation, high voltages give rise to high electrical fields, and high currents give rise to high magnetic fields. The reverse is also true, a high magnetic field can create a large current in a conductor, and a high electrical field can create a high voltage in a conductor.
On an atomic level, the basis of understanding of biochemical reactions lies in an understanding of electrons. Electrons are of primary importance in the
establishment of a particular
atoms or compound's chemical properties. These properties
are often expressed as the ionization potential and electron
affinity. That is, how easily an atom will gain or lose electrons. In context of this discussion, the application of an external electrical or magnetic field to the body will directly effect
all the electrical properties and electrical component (semiconductors
resistors, capacitors etc. ) analogs of the body. The end result
will be an effect upon the bodies chemical, and thus physiologic activities.
Well established Scientific methods known as Electrokinetics, utilize the electrical properties of various compounds and
charged ions to manipulate and analyze them. A few well known methods are Zeta Potential, pH, Isokinetics, Isoelectrics, Electrophoresis, Dielectrophoresis,
Dynamic Eletrophoretic Mobility, Magnetophoresis, Electroacoustics, Magnetoacoustics, Streaming Potential, Sedimentation Potential, Electrostatics, Dynamic Mobility, Entrainment, Coherence, and Resonance ( Magnetic, acoustic, electrical, mechanical ) . There are
several electrokinetic methods which are of significant importance to
the use of frequency type devices. Some of these are
Electro-Osmosis , Electroendocytosis , Electronic Sonic Amplitude ,
Electro Conformational Coupling, , Ion Vibration Potential, Colloid
Vibration Potential, and Electrostatics.
The scientific foundation for the utilization, application,
understanding, and further development of Electrical, Magnetic,
Electro-Magnetic, and Acoustic based frequency devices is very solid.
A large wealth of published papers exists on the ability of externally
applied EM fields to manipulate body and cellular physiology. A review
of some of the papers found on the
EMF-PORTAL will certainly be a good way to read more about EMF
effects. Application of these known principles to treatment has yielded empirical
outcomes and results which are so common as to make the use of
frequency devices a growing world wide phenomenon. A phenomena with an
estimated 400,000 frequency devices and another 600,000 electrical
therapeutic devices in usage just here in the USA. Usage that for the
most part, is entirely outside the mainstream medical/pharmaceutical
So what was
Dr. Rife's Device
, or as some call it, a " Rife Machine "
? Dr. Rife's device used a radio transmitter with either a fixed or it
is thought in some units, a variable carrier frequency , that output a
pulsed transmission. There are several important methods that
are utilized to achieve energetic coupling. One technique Dr. Rife
used to make the wave of his machine couple to the body was through
the use of a special antenna. Instead of using a metal antenna, Dr. Rife's instrument coupled the pulsed output from the radio transmitter to a gas filled, glass tube with closely opposed electrodes. This special tube is technically known as a
Phanotron Diode. The pulsed output energy from the radio transmitter ( the RF wave ) caused
the gas to form a plasma and then glow when in operation. The close spacing of the electrodes, coupled with a gas at high pressures
results in a phanotron tube being useful for pulse rates well into the MHz
regions. One should think of a neon sign tube that is turned on and off, many thousands or millions of times a second for a comparison.
The Phanotron Diode was filled with an inert gas ( typically Helium), or mixture of gasses such as argon, neon, and helium. Different gasses give off different colors or spectra. For example, Neon is orange, Argon is purple mauve, and Helium is pinkish white-gray.
For treatment purposes, Dr. Rife separated the phanotron tube from the rest of the devices equipment, and placed it about 8 to 12 inches from the patient. One of Dr. Rife's discoveries was that the Phanotron tube was made part of the carrier frequency oscillator circuit. By placing the tube close to the patient, a resonant coupling would
occur, and the oscillation frequency of the devices carrier wave would adjust to the electrical properties of the patient.
Modern Phanotron tube, made in the Ukraine by
Econika , for use with the device.
The authors patented instrument, like Dr. Rife's, utilizes a radio energy excited gas plasma tube as an antenna. A few of the manufacturers web sites making plasma tubes for the
device can be found on the
Links page. Dr. Rife's device was a near field instrument, that is, the tube had to be placed within 8 to 12 inches of the patient.
The authors patented discoveries have created a device which is a far field instrument, the tube is generally used about 6 feet( two meters ) from the patient. There is evidence, that the wave emitted from the plasma tube of the authors device, if un-impeded by walls, has an effective radius in excess of 30 feet.
The effective field of up to 30 feet ( 9 meters) , makes the device usable for simultaneous exposures of
all objects within the effective field area. This is the
only device in the world capable of such large area exposures. Dr. Rife's commercial machines,
being near field instruments, were capable of only treating one
person at a time.
The effects of the authors device are entirely non thermal in nature. That is, no heating of tissue occurs in normal operation.
As to safety considerations, a well made device easily meets FCC requirements for RF emission safety levels.
There is a lot of misunderstanding about the plasma tubes used in
a Rife/Bare device !! Gas plasma tubes are not primarily RF antennas ! Gas plasma tubes
as used in a Rife/Bare device are RF
energy converters. A plasma tube converts pulsed RF into other forms of
pulsed energy radiation. This energy is expressed in many
different forms. These forms include; acoustic waves that can
extend into the ultrasound regions, light - from near Ultra Violet to
well into the Far Infra Red regions and the generation of heat. It has been
posited that the plasma tube is a very strong emitter of Terrahertz
radiation. Some tubes are created specifically to create ozone,
and if mercury is added to a quartz envelope tube, UV radiation may be
created. The amount of RF emitted from a well made device
is less than 1 % of the input power to the tube ! A 150 watt
transmitter may create less than 1/2 watt of RF emission. Most of
this RF is very broad band extending well into the microwave region,
and thus, as in the 150 watt device example, the RF energy in any one
harmonic is very minimal. This device is used at a distance of 6 feet, where
the measured RF field is almost non detectable.
In order to understand how the device works it is necessary
to discuss a few laws of physics and chemistry. There are multiple
manners that the energy emitted from the plasma tube can be absorbed by
the body. It must be remembered that the emissions from a plasma tube
are very complex and broadband. The plasma tube is not primarily
an RF antenna. The concept of RF wavelength matching between a
radiative source and some absorber of that source emission as the only
method of energy transfer or physiologic influence is antiquated.
Those that might dismiss the ability of a Rife/Bare device to produce
physiologic effects using solely an RF wavelength method, are
making a simplistic error, for as has been pointed out, almost all RF
energy that is input to a plasma tube, is converted into other forms of
EM radiation.
There are several methods of energy transfer that occur with a
Rife/Bare device. When energy is
emitted from some the plasma tube antenna, it can be absorbed by
an object when impedances match. Impedance is a measure of resistance - so when the impedance of the wave emitted from the plasma tube, and that of some part of the body match, energy is transferred or coupled.
Impedance is a function that is related to frequency. The device
produces not one frequency, but through the phenomena of harmonics,
creates many thousands of frequencies simultaneously. Thus, energy transfers easily into a person, and does so through user defined selectivity. That is, by choosing different fundamental operational ( modulation) frequencies, the user chooses and creates different impedances.
There is a substantial E field around a plasma tube used in a
Rife/Bare device . As previously mentioned, when a quartz
plasma tube is utilized, this e field is powerful enough to
generate ozone. The pulsed fields emitted from the plasma
tube used in a Rife/Bare device are emitted as evanescent waves.
Evanescent wave coupling can occur between two resonant circuits that
are tuned to a fraction of each others wavelength. Closely allied to
quantum tunneling, closely coupled resonators are being utilized to
transfer power between a transmitter and receiver by inducing standing
waves in the an inductor found within the receiver. As discussed
earlier, cells, and the human body have electrical component qualities
to them, and one of these qualities is that of inductance. Shifts
in the transmitters pulse output rate ( the modulation frequency) can
create selective oscillations and standing waves within resonant
objects within the body. This effect is often felt physically by the
person undergoing exposure to the device. People often will respond
that they can feel a particular frequency in an area of their body
where there is some sort of difficulty. Only specific frequencies
produce this response.
There is more to the transfer of energy between coupled
oscillators, this involves the process of Entrainment.
Entrainment is a Law of Physics, and can be produced through
gating the audio frequency of the device. What a fast gate rate does
is to induce the effect of entrainment. Entrainment can be defined as :
“ The tendency for two oscillating bodies to lock into phase so that
they vibrate in harmony. It is also defined as a synchronization of two
or more rhythmic cycles. The principle of entrainment is universal,
appearing in chemistry, pharmacology, biology, medicine, psychology,
sociology, astronomy, architecture and more”.
Entrainment is associated with the phase of oscillation of an object. That is to
simplistically say, as an object oscillates, it is moving up and down at some particular rate. At a particular point in time, the object can be up, down, or or somewhere in between. Entrainment forces two objects to be in phase so that they move in synchrony. That is, they are up at the same time and down at the same time. When the phase of two resonant oscillations match ( in phase ), energy will transfer and summate to the resonant receiver of the transmitted energy. If the phases do not match, ( are out of phase ) the energies of the transmitter and
receiver will cancel each other out! Even though they are resonant.
In other words - if one targets an area of the body, or infectious
organism with a frequency that they are resonant to, lacking
entrainment, that frequency may be ineffective. The reason is this.;
the area of the body or infectious organism has a different phase of
oscillation than that of the (frequency ) being generated. The two are
not “dancing” ( to use an analogy) in beat to the same frequency! If
the external frequencies entrainment rate lacks adequate intensity, or
adequate rate, there will be no entrainment by the body or organism to
that external frequency !
Recent experiments by the author with entrainment have shown this to be a very
powerful effect. Entrainment is often linked with another type of
resonance known as Stochastic Resonance.
Another term has been coined to explain the electromagnetic waves
emitted from an RF pulsed plasma tube . This wave is called a
"pseudo sonorous" wave. A soliton wave produced from the ionic
discharge of the tube.
When one uses frequencies to produce physiologic manipulation,
the output sequence of the frequencies is important. One must be
careful of creating a damping effect by starting at a high frequency
and trying to work downwards to lower frequencies. One can "force" a
resonant response with enough energy, and then maintain the energy
delivered by using a higher Hz frequency to continue forcing effects.
Forced resonance is not a true resonance, but rather a response based
upon the application of enough energy to set the oscillator in motion.
Think of a child on a swing, one may push faster and faster to force
the swing to oscillate higher and at a faster rate. But if the swing is
moving very fast and then all you do is push slower, and then slower
yet, the swing will be damped in it's range and height of
A Rife/Bare device creates many thousands of different frequencies through the use of an AM type radio transmitter that is severely overmodulated. That is to say excessive amounts of audio are put onto the carrier wave. Normally such excessive audio, when demodulated
would create distortion. By modulating a square audio wave, no demodulation distortion will occur. The demodulated wave form will
be identical to the modulated wave form. Overmodulation creates
a pulse of RF energy which is electrically shaped so that the rise and fall time of the pulse is very fast ( 1 millionth of a second in the OM-1 transmitter! ). The plasma tube acts like an electrical mixer which creates harmonics, overtones, and heterodyne products .
In a manner, a plasma tube is very much akin to a musical instrument. A string can be set to vibrate at a certain note, but how that note sounds is dependent upon the instrument the string is attached to. The string could be in a piano, a violin, or a guitar and all will sound different even though they play the same note. This difference between the instruments is due to the generation of frequencies( harmonic - overtone - heterodyne ) different from that of the fundamental note.

Patent Pending Transmitter Output - Rise and Fall
Times = 25ns ( billionths of a second )
Although RF energy is a very minor emission of a plasma tube.
Something very special occurs to that RF energy. Due to the shape of the plasma
tube -i.e. a cylndrical or round radiator, the traditional hertzian RF wave radiated by a metal antenna, is converted into what is known as a Zenneck Wave. A Zenneck wave is a non hertzian RF wave whose field strength typically drops off as the square root of distance from the tube ( antenna). Published research has shown that the Zennick wave emitted from the tube exists as a non dispersive soliton. Energy is transferred more as a conductance and does not adhere to the inverse square law.
This may have effects related to energy transfer via closely coupled
You can read more about Zenneck waves at these web sites.